Bottom Time E-Mail News Archives
April 19, 2015

It looks like most of the lakes in the area are ice free and temperatures have been warm so hopefully the lakes will be warming up early this year. 
Our next scuba class will be starting in Detroit Lakes April 27 th and we still have some openings left.  Fergus Falls and Mahnomen classes are done and we are still trying to set up a class in Crookston.  I am looking at doing a class in Staples so if you know of someone in that area that would be interested in becoming a scuba diver let them know.
Tri-State Diving is celebrating the start of our 28th season serving the lakes area. On May 30 th from 9 am to 3 pm we will host our annual Super Spring Scuba Sale. All new our new merchandize will be marked down 20% for that day only. Prices will be also be marked down on used and consignment items.   We will have door prizes and refreshments for those attending. So stop out and visit about diving and get in on some super buys. We will be demonstrating how well the EEZYCUT tool works.
I have sent out quite a few packets for the FIJI trip so if you are interested please let me know and I will get information out to you.
We are stilling needing some part time workers to work in the dive center this summer.  If you are interested in working some hours this summer let me know.  There are still students that have not picked up their certification cards from last year.  We would like you to get the cards picked up as soon as possible.  For those that did not finish your checkouts last summer I would recommend getting one pool session in before doing your open water dives.  Give me a call so I can get you into one of our evening class sessions to get you up to speed.   
We are in the process of getting our Advanced Diver, Rescue Diver, and Dive First Responder classes set up.  Check the website for times.  Our spearfishing class will be sometime in May depending on how soon the water warms up and the suckers start spawning.
If you need your dive equipment serviced now is a good time to have it done so it will be ready to use when making that first dive this season.
I know some of you have been on dive trips this summer and if you got some pictures email them along with a description and we will put them in the Bottom Time newsletter.


Sea You on the Bottom

Tri-State Diving    Making Diving Safe and Adventurous